Sith Wars

The Great Schism was only the first of many great wars among the Sith, the Jedi, and the Galactic Republic.

Ragnos was never successfully challenged and eventually died of old age. At his funeral two Sith Lords named Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh began to duel over who would next hold the title Dark Lord of the Sith.

Sadow believed that the Sith needed to expand the Empire, while Kressh believed that the Sith needed to avoid attracting the attention of the Jedi.  Both Sith Lords knew of the Jedi and the Republic.   After remaining hidden for thousands of years, the Sith were unsure if the Republic and the Jedi still existed.

Then two hyperspace explorers (Jori and Gav Deragon) from the Republic accidentally crashed on Korriban, unwittingly providing the Sith with the proof and information they needed to declare war.

-5000 The Great Hyperspace War

Without warning, the Sith invasion force launched a multi-pronged attack that included Koros Major and Kirrek in the Empress Teta system and Coruscant, capital of the Galactic Republic. Unprepared for an invasion, most of the Republic struggled to withstand the onslought of the Sith forces.

During his captivity, Gav had been tutored by Naga Sadow in the ways of the Dark Side.  At Sadow’s request Gav had reluctantly accepted command of the Sith invasion force. But now, seeing all the death and destrucion, Gav had a change of heart.  The Jedi fought hard to defend the Republic, but in the end the leader of the Sith invasion force betrayed Sadow and turned the tide of the war.

With the defeat of the Sith in this conflict, the period also became known as the Fall of the Sith Empire.

-4000 The Great Sith War

Over the next thousand years, the Sith on Korribann all but died out and Sadow’s empire was a distant memory. An ambitious Sith Lord named Feedon Nadd was fed up with the decline of the Sith Empire and wanted to reform it with him as the new Dark Lord of the Sith. Unable to defeat the current Dark Lord, Nadd left Korriban and settled on the planet of Onderon.

Exar Kun was led down the dark path by the ghost of Freedon Nadd who reavealed to all of the Sith’s dark secrets to the curious Jedi.  Kun was eventually seduced by the dark side and swore his allegiance to the Sith.   The Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma discovered a secret society (Krath) who studied the Sith and set out to stop them.   In retaliation, the Krath had Ulic’s master killed by assassins.  Ulic vowed to destroy the Krath from the inside,  so he faced them and joined the dark organization.  He was not strong enough to resist, and eventually slipped to the dark side.

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The Mandalori Wars

Shortly after the Great Sith War, the remnants of the Mandalorians sensed weakness in the Republic and decided to strike. A long and bloody war followed between the Jedi and the Mandolorians, but in the end the Jedi prevailed. Two Jedi named Revan and Malak led a Republic fleet to the outer rim and successfully wiped out the Mandalorians. At the end of the war, Revan and Malak were revered as heroes.

Little did the Republic know that their Jedi heroes were destined to become two of the most brutal Sith Lords ever known. While in deep space, the two Jedi landed on Korribann and uncovered many secrets of the Sith. Corrupted by their newfound knowledge and the brutality of the war they had just won, the two Jedi renounced the Order, became Sith and changed their names to Darth Revan and Darth Malak — master and apprentice.

Eventually, power hungry Darth Malak tried to destroy both his master Revan and the Jedi. His plan failed, but it did allow the Jedi to capture Revan alive.

Eventually Revan tracked Malak to Star Forge and defeated him in a lightsaber duel.  After that Revan disappeared.  The Sith were once again vanquished.

-1000 New Sith War / Battle of Ruusan

Jedi Master Phanius (later taking the name Darth Ruin) became interested in the Dark Side of the Force and the Sith.  the Sith began to build their cult in opposition of the Jedi.  Theirs was not an order created to serve;  theirs was an order created to dominate.

Their war with the Jedi was vengeful and furious and ultimately doomed. On the planet Ruusan the Jedi and Sith armies clashed, with heavy losses on both sides.

The Jedi backed the Sith Lords into a cavern and were only minutes away from ending the war. In the final moments of the battle, the Sith Lord Darth Bane was arguing with another Sith Lord about the best way to turn the tide of the battle. He had a plan, but so did the others.  Bane was betrayed in the heat of battle by a Sith Lord named Kaan and this resulted in the massacre on Ruusan.

Darth Bane, the sole surviving Sith Lord, slipped away into the shadows. Bane reformed the Sith doctrine and founded what is known as the modern era of the Sith.  Now there are only two Sith at a time — a master and an apprentice. They bide their time, work from the shadows pass the Sith tradition down from master to apprentice and wait for the day they will have their revenge.

-22 The Clone Wars (Episode 2-3)

That revenge finally came almost two hundred years later, when a senator from the peaceful planet of Naboo rose to power as Chancellor of the Republic. Senator Palpatine orchestrated an invasion of his home world of Naboo, thus setting a series of deft political moves into motion. No one around him knew that Chancellor Palpatine was actually Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith. The Republic was now controlled by the Sith.

Sidious’ first apprentice, Darth Maul, was killed in the invasion of Naboo by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. He later took a second apprentice, Darth Tyrannus (a well-respected Jedi and political idealist named Count Dooku), whom he used to lead the orchestrated Separatist movement that threatened the Republic with war.

Darth Sidious used the threat of war to justify the creation of a huge clone army. The Clone Wars had begun.

The Jedi and clone troops fought side by side, eventually defeating the Separatists.  Darth Sidious blamed the Clone Wars on the corruption of the Republic and used the special emergency powers granted to him during the wars to name himself Emperor.

The Jedi Council was opposed to Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious). The Emperor named the Jedi enemies of the Republic and used one of the Clone Wars’ greatest heroes, a Jedi named Anakin Skywalker, to lead the clone army against the Jedi. Anakin killed Darth Tyrannus, went over to the dark side, and became Darth Vader, the most legendary of all Sith Lords.

During his captivity, Gav had been tutored by Naga Sadow in the ways of the Dark Side. At Sadow’s request Gav had reluctantly accepted command of the Sith invasion force. But now, seeing all the death and destrucion, Gav had a change of heart.